Educational Consultations
Assessments and recommendations to help your child, teen or young adult be successful in school or college.
Parents will be given guidance in understanding laws and school district policies in order to advocate for their child and obtain appropriate services and accommodations.
If a child is receiving special education services, but making limited progress then an educational consultation, which may include attending IEP meetings, can make a big difference in obtaining the correct services through the school district.
Educational Consultations/Advocacy
Goal: Provide parents information and guidance to be a strong advocate for their child and obtain necessary accommodations and/or services through the school district and in the community.
Educational Consultations may include:
Interviews with parents and student
Review and analyze previous evaluations and school records
Interpret findings of previous evaluations to parents
School-based behavioral observations (as needed)
Attendance at meetings including Student Study Team, 504-Accommodation Plan and IEP meetings
Written summary of observations/recommendations
Expert testimony at fair hearings and due process hearings (as needed)
Total time and cost are determined on a case-by-case basis.
If you live in California and can not travel to Simi Valley, educational consultations can be conducted via telehealth, using a secure professional platform designed for confidential telehealth sessions.

What Is A SST?

SST (Student Study Team or Student Success Team): A team made up of teachers, principal and parent that problem solves and implements interventions for children experiencing difficulties in academics, behavioral challenges, and/or social emotional areas.
What Are 504-Accommodation Plan Meetings?

What Are IEP Meetings?